We are excited to continue to provide you with quality, safe medical aesthetic and wellness services. Because we are continuously concerned for what is best for our clients, we read journal articles and attend trainings 2-3 times per year. This ongoing education has allowed us to continue to add new services to better serve you, but has also encouraged us to say goodbye other services.
Effective April 1, 2023, we will no longer be providing primary care services or primary care memberships. Please reach out to the office if you need your records sent to your new provider. We also need to say goodbye to PDO lifting threads. Due to ongoing literature and industry research, we have decided it is best for our clients if we no longer offer this service.
Have you heard about our newest service, the Salt Facial? This is a medical grade facial that helps to rejuvenate, repair, and seal the skin. This is a 3 step facial that takes approximately 1 hour to perform. There is minimal discomfort or down time. This is one of the only aesthetic treatments that can be performed on active acne skin. This treatment is perfect for melasma, sun spots (hyperpigmentation), fine lines and wrinkles, acne, collagen stimulation. We are offering this treatment at an introductory price for the entire month of April, $250 per treatment of 4 treatments for $750 (savings of $250).

Due to rising costs from suppliers, we have been forced to change some of our prices. Please reference the attached updated menu of our services. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the office; 317-245-7353.
Thank you for continuing to support our small business. We appreciate ALL of you!